Like all credit unions, the OPPA Credit Union has a board of directors responsible for setting direction and overseeing the credit union on behalf of its members. Directors are elected by members, and every member in good standing has the right to seek election to the board.

The board has five key responsibilities:

  • Establishing strategic direction and regularly reviewing that direction to ensure that it responds to the changing environment in which the OPPA Credit Union operates.
  • Hiring and delegating authority to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to manage and supervise the day-to-day business of the OPPA Credit Union.
  • Monitoring the OPPA Credit Union’s performance, including financial results, progress against annual and long-term goals and plans, compliance with board policies, and effective risk management.
  • Communicating with members and other stakeholders, including reporting on progress through the Annual Report and at the Annual General Meeting.
  • Monitoring and ensuring appropriate and effective governance of the OPPA Credit Union.

If you have questions or comments for your board of directors, please send an email to Board Secretary Tammy Lalo-Malec


Here is our current board of directors:

We appreciate the time and effort that our directors dedicate to planning our future and ensuring that the best interests of members are always at the forefront of the OPPA Credit Union’s operation. Directors attend regular board meetings and participate on board committees.