Term Deposits

OPPA Credit Union offers a complete range of term deposit products and GICs that meet your rate of growth, security and savings needs.

If you have a large savings account balance and rarely make withdrawals, a term deposit may be the ideal investment for you. Term Deposits and Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GICs) earn higher interest than regular savings accounts – let us help you make the right choices to fit your overall financial strategy.

  • Term Deposits and GICs provide a fixed rate of return for a specific term ranging from months to three and five years and everything in between.
  • Both your original investment and interest payments are guaranteed.
  • You can include Term Deposits and GICs in your RRSP or other registered investment plans.
  • Eligible deposits in all registered accounts with Ontario Credit Unions have
    unlimited deposit insurance coverage through the Financial Services
    Regulatory Authority (FSRA)